Diversity Matters

Equality, diversity and inclusion program

Our mission is to create a diverse culture of equality and inclusion, where the contribution of each individual is respected, valued and encouraged.

We strive to champion parity of opportunities in our business and in the broader tech ecosystem, and to empower our customers to build inclusive teams.

We believe in creating an environment where everyone can thrive and employees feel empowered to bring their whole selves to work. We value individual strengths and perspectives and celebrate our successes together.

Our Diversity Matters journey

In 2020, we formalized our equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) strategy, which aimed to:

Our EDI activities are always evolving and we constantly review our long-term strategy to ensure we are tackling EDI issues within our business, industry, and society. Thanks to our agile approach, we can adapt our plans in response to what is happening in the wider world.

We are committed to sustainable, authentic change across our organization. We have created a pathway to change that we acknowledge will take time but will lead to long-term success.

Carolyn Walker

Global HR Director

Our diversity pillars

Our Diversity Matters program has centered mostly on gender, but we are looking to build on the strength of this program and ensure we replicate the same efforts for other diversity pillars, including ethnicity, social mobility, LGBTQ+ equality, disability, and neurodiversity.

Diversity and inclusion in the workplace is a journey, not a destination. And as with any other journey, it starts with a single step in the right direction – towards an industry that is fair and diverse and in which every professional is empowered to do more and be more.

Zoë Morris

President and Executive Sponsor of Diversity Matters

Alignment to the United Nations Global Compact

We have partnered with the United Nations Global Compact to strengthen our EDI strategy.

In 2022, we joined the Target Gender Equality accelerator initiative, which enabled us to assess our current actions and set tangible, relevant and measurable goals aligned to Sustainable Development Goal 5 – Gender Equality & Women’s Empowerment.

We also became official supporters of the United Nations Women’s Empowerment Principles, committing to business action to promote gender equality and women’s empowerment at work.

We are expanding our focus to other pillars of diversity by contributing to progress on SDG 4 – Quality Education, SDG 8 – Decent Work & Economic Growth, SDG 10 – Reduced Inequalities, and SDG 11 – Sustainable Cities & Communities.

Our contribution to the tech industry

Our initiatives

Women In Tech Recruitment Practice

Women In Tech

Our Women in Tech practice supports our customers in shaping a more inclusive workforce by championing outstanding women in technology.
Read about Women In Tech



This program matches mentors from our extensive network across the tech industry with professionals ready to take the next step in their careers.
Learn about MentorMe

Tech's Leading Women white paper

Tech's Leading Women white paper

Our white paper and vodcast series feature insights from senior female leaders in the UK tech industry, offering valuable lessons on how businesses can support women in tech.
Read the white paper

Digital Revolution Awards

Digital Revolution Awards

Established in 2020, our annual awards celebrate cloud tech excellence with dedicated categories for those leading the way on diversifying the tech industry.
Visit the DRA website

EDI Collaboration

EDI Consultancy

We believe that collaboration is the key to success, and offer dedicated time to our customers via our EDI consultancy initiative and roundtable sessions to discuss how we can all contribute to a more diverse and inclusive tech industry.

Our partnerships

Women in IT Summit & Awards series

Women in IT Summit & Awards series

Since 2017, we have been premium sponsors of this flagship event, showcasing EDI advocates and promoting inclusivity in tech.
Visit the Women in IT website

Salesforce Talent Alliance

Salesforce Talent Alliance

We joined the Salesforce Talent Alliance in 2020, pledging to support their mission to build a more diverse workforce of Salesforce talent.
Visit the Salesforce Talent Alliance website

Tech Talent Charter

Tech Talent Charter

We are signatories of the Tech Talent Charter, a membership group that brings organizations together to drive greater diversity and inclusion in tech roles.
Read about the Tech Talent Charter

Tech She Can

Tech She Can

We partner with UK-based charity Tech She Can to achieve their vision of improving the ratio of women in technology roles.
Visit the Tech She Can website

10,000 Black Interns

10,000 Black Interns

In 2022, we partnered with the 10,000 Black Interns program, offering internship opportunities to students and graduates of colour in the UK.
Visit the website

Our internal program

Internal Initiatives

Our coaching program aims to address gender disparity in leadership by offering additional support to women and non-binary employees, as well as facilitating allyship development across our employee population.

All employees are invited to sign our pledge to commit to celebrating diversity, embracing inclusivity, and rejecting discrimination at Tenth Revolution Group.
An opportunity for employees to get together based on shared characteristics, experiences, and interests to share, listen, learn, and support one another.
We highlight key dates in the diversity awareness calendar and celebrate them with educational articles, guest speakers, internal events, and networking opportunities.
Workshop sessions hosted by our most senior leaders to help employees understand the challenges faced by colleagues of different minority characteristics.

Our EDI goals

As part of our commitment to long-term, sustainable action on EDI, we set our first-ever goals in 2023 as a minimum expectation for progress. We have aligned our goals to the UN Sustainable Development Goals, which are currently in place until 2030.

Representation of Women and Non-Binary Employees 

TRG Global

Current 40%
2026 43%
2028 46%
2030 50%


Current 33%
2026 38%
2028 44%
2030 50%

Inclusion Index Score

Obtain and maintain a score of 95% by 2030 – as per our employee engagement survey 

Implementation of Inclusive Practice Accountability Criteria 


Senior Leadership Team


All management


All TRG Global employees

How we measure impact

Employee feedback

We include EDI questions in our employee engagement surveys to provide us with consistent feedback. This also forms the basis of our goal to achieve and maintain an Inclusion Index Score of 95% by 2030.

I feel I can be myself at work.

0 %
Agree or Strongly Agree

The company is inclusive to all regardless of personal characteristics

0 %
Agree or Strongly Agree

Data analysis

We constantly review the demographic makeup of our business using diversity data that is self-declared by employees and also conduct a bi-annual review of detailed data points.

Local reporting requirements

We operate in 12 countries worldwide and adhere to local reporting requirements, including Gender Pay Gap reporting and Affirmative Action planning.

External measurement tools

We submit annual data to the Tech Talent Charter, contributing to a data analysis report on diversity in the UK tech industry. This report allows us to see our contribution to the ecosystem and identify where we can improve our efforts. We also submit a voluntary self-assessment to the UN Women’s Empowerment Principles Gap Analysis Tool, highlighting our strengths and weaknesses in line with an anonymized local peer group.

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